Active Schools Week

Active School Week May 15th to 18th, 2023.
Since beginning the Active School Flag process we had committed to holding an even better Active School Week this year. We got in touch with many clubs in the surrounding areas to come in to give taster sessions. Following the results from what club are you in, we recognised many children do not attend the mains cluns GAA, Soccer, Rugby, Athletics & Basketball. We made it a proirty to contact these clubs and invite them during Active Schools week. We had representations from most of these clubs and it was very successful.
We have a jam-packed active week planned with all classes involved in activity from the start to the end of the day.
Each day starts with Wake up, Shake up. Also, each day the children will complete a different active walkway challenge. There will be an active challenge set for each day. Ones allocated by teachers include: Throw ball and clap, how many claps before you catch the ball? Keepie Uppie Challenge, wheelie bin challenge. We have also been in touch with county GAA players who set a solo challenge for the children. We have asked the children to come up with their own challenges, for themselves and teachers and these will take place on the last day of the week. The only homework set for the week will be Active Homework, please see below. If you need any further guidance with this homework please follow link here: PE Homework - Active Every Day - Scoilnet
On Monday, the teachers are taking a sport each and swapping classes. The children will take part in FMS skills/games, Futsal, Dance & Athletics with the teachers.
On Tuesday, we have outside clubs coming in and they will provide GAA, Soccer, Zumba & Basketball to the children.
On Wednesday we are focusing on Outdoor & Adventure strand so there will be a range of PSSI activities set up as well as the whole school are going to take a walk to the local playground (about 1km each way).
On Thursday we have sports day where the children will do races, a water obstacle course, volleyball, badminton, shoot the target (Throwing wet sponges at teachers) as well as pupils v teachers in both a basketball & soccer match and tug of war. They will also have the chance to take penalty shots on the principal.
Active Week Timetable May 15th – 18th 2023
Thursday SPORTS DAY |
9:20-9:40 |
Wake Up & Shake Up |
Wake Up & Shake Up |
Cycle /or Wake Up & Shake Up |
Wake Up & Shake Up |
9:40-10:10 |
FMS Skills/Games Aoife J/S Inf (Infant Yard) Futsal Hugh 1st/2nd (Court) Dance Roisin 3rd/4th (Classroom) Athletics Paddy 5th/6th (Hall) |
Soccer J/S Inf (Hall) Basketball 3rd/4th (Court) Active Walkway 5th/6th School Playground 1st/2nd |
Orienteering (Court) 5th/6th Volleyball 3rd/4th Yoga (Sarah) 1st / 2nd Shoot the Target J/S.Inf |
Races (Court) 1st & 2nd Obstacle Course (Infant Yard) 3rd & 4th Badminton/Table Tennis 5th/6th Penalty Shots against Mr. Carr J. S. Inf (Hall) |
10:10-10:40 |
FMS Skills/Games Aoife 1st/2nd (Infant Yard) Futsal Hugh 3rd/4th (Court) Dance Roisin 5th/6th (Classroom) Athletics Paddy J/S. Inf (Hall) |
Soccer 1st/2nd (Hall) Basketball 5th/6th (Court) Active Walkway Infants Swings & Slides 3rd/4th (Eat Lunch) |
Orienteering (Court) 3rd/4th Volleyball 5th/6th Yoga (Sarah) J/S.Inf Shoot the Target 1st / 2nd |
Races (Court) J & S. Inf Obstacle Course 1st & 2nd Badminton/Table Tennis 3rd & 4th Penalty Shots against Mr. Carr 5th & 6th Hall |
10:40-11:10 |
Y |
A Soccer 3rd/4th (Hall)- Basketball J/S. Inf (Court) Active Walkway 1st/2nd (Eat Lunch) School Playground 5th/6th (Eat Lunch) |
D |
11:10-11:40 |
TEACHERS RETURN TO OWN CLASS Active Walkway 5th/6th Keepie Uppie & Wheelie Bin Challenge 3rd/4th Hula Hoop Reaction Challenge 1st/2nd Throw ball and catch challenge J & S Inf |
Soccer 5th/6th (Hall) Basketball 1st/2nd (Court) Active Walkway 3rd/4th School Playground J/S Inf (Eat Lunch) |
Outdoor & Adventure Walk to Playground-ALL School |
Races (Court) 3rd & 4th Obstacle Course 5th & 6th Badminton/Table Tennis J & S. Inf Penalty Shots against Mr. Carr 1st & 2nd Hall |
11:40-12:10 |
Active Walkway J/S.Inf Art Competition 1st/2nd Hula Hoop Reaction Challenge 5th/6th Throw ball and catch challenge 3rd/4th |
GAA (Court) J/S Inf Gymnastics 1st/2nd Art Competition 3rd-6th Each child must design a poster for slogan: “Do Your Talking while you’re Walking” |
Outdoor & Adventure Walk to Playground-ALL School. |
Races (Court) 5th & 6th Obstacle Course J & S Inf Badminton/Table Tennis 1st & 2nd Penalty Shots against Mr. Carr 3rd & 4th Hall |
12:10-12:40 |
Active Walkway 1st /2nd Keepie Uppie & Wheelie Bin Challenge 5th/6th Hula Hoop Reaction Challenge 3rd/4th School Playground J/S. Inf |
Art Competition 3rd-6th Keepie Uppie & Wheelie Bin Challenge 1st/2nd |
Outdoor & Adventure Walk to Playground-ALL School. |
3rd/4th v 5th/6th Class Match |
12:40-1:10 |
Y |
A |
R |
D |
1:10-1:40 |
FMS Skills/Games Aoife 3rd/4th (Infant Yard) Futsal Hugh 5th/6th (Court) Dance Roisin J/S.Inf (Classroom) Athletics Paddy 1st/2nd (Hall) |
GAA(Court) 1st/2nd Gymnastics (Hall) J/S. Inf Throw Ball And Catch Challenge 5th/6th GAA Challenge 3rd/4th |
Late lunch/yard due to walk. |
Teachers v Students Basketball Match |
1:40-2:10 |
Active Walkway 3rd/4th GAA Challenge 5th/6th (Grass) Throw Ball & Catch Challenge 1st/2nd |
GAA (Court) 3rd/4th Gymnastics (Hall) 5th/6th GAA Challenge 1st/2nd |
Orienteering (Court) J / S Inf Volleyball 1st/2nd Yoga (Sarah) 3rd / 4th Shoot the Target 5th/ 6th |
Teachers v Students Soccer Match |
2:10-2:40 |
FMS Skills/Games Aoife 5th/6th (Infant Yard) Dance Roisin 1st/2nd (Classroom) Athletics Paddy 3rd/4th (Hall) |
GAA (Court) 5th /6th Gymnastics (Hall) 3rd/4th Art Competition 1st/ |
Orienteering (Court) 1st /2nd Yoga (Sarah) 5th/6th Shoot the Target 3rd / 4th |
Teachers v students Tug of War |
Active Homework 15th-18th May Junior Infants – 2nd Class. |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Games |
Teddy on the Move Can you balance your teddy or beanbag on the following body parts? First, perform the balances while standing on the spot and then while walking around. palm of your hand | head | foot | shoulder | back of your neck | tummy |
Through the Gate Set up a gate using the equipment that you have available. Stand with your ball two metres away from your gate. Try to kick your ball through the gate. To make the game more challenging, stand further away from the gate or decrease the width of the gate. |
Traffic Lights Green: jog or run around the space Yellow: jump or hop on the spot Red: stand still like a statue |
What Time is it Mr Wolf? Invite someone at home to be Mr Wolf. They stand with their back to you, at a distance away. You ask the question ‘What time is it Mr. Wolf?’ If Mr. Wolf says 6 o clock, take 6 steps towards them. If Mr. Wolf says, ‘Dinner time’, the wolf turns and chases you. |
Gymnastics |
Shadow Move Place various small obstacles within the playing area. Invite someone at home to shadow your movements. Include movements such as running, stopping, skipping or rolling. Perform these at various levels (high, middle, low). Lead your partner to jump over the obstacles in the playing area. Include different ways of jumping, for example, two feet to two feet, one foot to two feet, one foot to the other foot, one foot to the same foot. |
Walk the Line Walk along a line on the ground, one foot in front of the other. Imagine that you are a tightrope walker. Include some of these balancing activities - Turn fully around in the middle of the line without losing balance or toppling off the line. - Stretch out your arms in front of you and stand on one foot with your eyes closed. - Hold a wide shape for a count of three as you balance on the line. - Play a clapping game or ‘Rock, paper, scissors’ with someone opposite you |
Ready to Roll Perform some of the following rolls travelling both left and right along the area. - A pencil roll- Begin by lying on your back. Stretch your body out as long as you can and roll in a straight line. - An egg roll- Lie on your back and tuck your body up as tight as you can and roll across the area. How fast can you do the roll? Can you have a rolling race with someone at home? |
Crabs and Octopuses Can you try to move like a crab or an octopus? To move like a crab, start by squatting down close to the ground. Lean backwards and place your hands on the ground behind you. You should look like a table top. Now walk sideways, moving your left hand and foot together followed by your right hand and foot together. Hold your bottom off the ground and keep your back straight. Have a race with someone at home. To move like an octopus, start in the seated position on the floor. Lift both legs off the ground at the same time while wiggling your legs and arms. |
Outdoor & Adventure |
Colour Hunt Choose two of your favourite colours. Walking around your home, garden or neighbourhood, find small objects of your chosen colours and place them into your bag. Ensure you respect the local environment |
1km walk Go for a one kilometre walk with someone from your home. Talk about what you see, hear, smell and touch along the way |
Compass Directions Write a big letter N on the page. Stick the page on a wall in a room in your home. This is the North wall. Practise spinning around like a compass and pointing out where the other walls of West, East and South are. Someone at home gives directions to guide you, for example- - Face north - Skip five steps east - Take five jumps west - Take five hops south. Swap roles. |
Hide the Teddy Hide your favourite teddy or small toy somewhere in your home. Give directions to someone at home to help them to find it. You may only use the following instructions - Steps left - Steps right - Straight ahead - Backwards. |
Athletics |
Move Like An Animal Use your teddies as markers. Place them five metres apart. Run up and back from teddy to teddy ten times. Try running like different animals such as a cheetah, a hippo or a chicken. Practise running at different speeds such as running after a bus, running out of water, backward running |
Standing Starter Sprints Place two teddies ten metres apart. Stand at one teddy and invite someone at home to stand at the other. Practise “On your marks, set, go” with your partner calling out the commands. Sprint over to your partner. Swap roles. |
Long Jump Place one teddy down as the starting point. Exploring jumping for distance: - Jump two feet and land on two feet - Jump one foot to land on two feet - Jump one foot to land on one foot Place another teddy down where you land. Note which type of jump is your longest distance! |
Vertical Jump Stand sideways to a wall in the playing area. Practise jumping up high and straight, to touch the wall. Invite someone from home to mark your jump height with chalk. Try to beat your previous height. Turn around and try on the other side reaching up with your other hand! |
Dance |
Musical Statues Play one of your favourite songs and dance freestyle. Ask someone to stop the music now and then during the song. Freeze and make a shape with your body, for example: a wide, narrow, twisty, small or curled shape. |
Follow the leader Dance Play a piece of your favourite music (or why not try “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”). One person leads and the other person follows using movements such as skipping, jumping, hopping, side stepping, sliding or crawling to the music. Can you dance like different animals of the jungle? - tiger, lion, snake, zebra, giraffe, frog |
Chicken Dance Play the song “The Chicken Dance” and move along with the actions |
Just Dance ★ Just Dance Kids 2 - I'm a Gummy Bear (The Gummy Bear Song) (HD) ★ - YouTube |
Active Homework 15th – 18th 3rd – 6th Class |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Games |
Target Practice Place your targets on the wall at various points or levels (high or low). Allocate a number of points to each target based on its difficulty. Using a kick from your hand or the ground, a chest pass, a strike with the hand or volley, strike one of the targets. Try standing further back from or closer to the targets. Try to beat your own score or challenge someone at home to beat your score. |
Wall Tennis Using a tennis ball and working with a partner or against a wall, practise a one versus one rally. You may use a racquet or the palm of your hand. Bounce and strike the ball to begin. Count your strikes. Continue for as long as you can without dropping the ball. Switch hands. |
Tail- Tag Invite one or more people in your house to join you. Tuck a t-shirt into your waistband. Chase each other and try to grab the other person’s tail. If your tail is grabbed, do 10 jumping jacks. Start again! |
Reaction Drop Invite someone at home to stand opposite you. One person holds two tennis balls at eye level and drops them. The other person tries to catch the balls. - Allow a bounce or no bounce before you catch - Catch one or both together - Dropper calls ‘left’ or ‘right’ hand to catch - Dropper stands up on a couch or chair, behind the catcher, and drops the balls in front of the catcher’s view |
Gymnastics |
Balance Buddy Try some of the following pair balances with someone at home. - Sinking movement - Seesaw movement - Arabesque - Wine glass - Horizontal pairs - Hands and knees balance - Create a pair balance of your own |
Teddy Bear Roll Can you roll like a teddy bear? Sit on the floor with your legs straight, spread apart. Sit tall and place your hands behind your knees. Lean to the left, drawing your right leg upwards. Roll sideways across your back and shoulder. Keep your legs spaced apart throughout the roll. Finish in a straddle shape facing the opposite direction from where you started. |
James Bond Roll Imagine you are James Bond or any of your favourite superheroes. Begin by kneeling on the floor. Extend your right leg to the side, creating an upside down v shape with your legs. Place each hand on the front of the opposite shoulder. Begin the roll by rolling onto your left shoulder, over your back and onto your opposite shoulder, You will finish the roll kneeling on the opposite leg to which you started kneeling. The other leg will be extended fully as before. Try to roll in the opposite direction. |
Partner Sequence With someone at home create and perform a partner sequence. You can mirror the same body movements as your partner (symmetrical) or you can move opposite body movements to your partner (asymmetrical). Include the following in your sequence - A partner balance - Two different jumps, try to include a ¼ or ½ turn in one of these - Asymmetrical travel - A roll - An animal walk. |
Outdoor & Adventure |
Alphabet Two’s Go for a three kilometre walk with someone from home. Have a game of Alphabet Twos as you walk. Choose a category such as countries. The first person names a country beginning with A, the other person also names a country beginning with A. Continue onto countries beginning with B, C, D moving through the alphabet. Other categories could include- - Foods - Boys names - Girls names - Famous people |
Obstacle Course Design an obstacle course in your garden or in a safe space inside your home. The course should have five obstacles to jump over, crawl under or run around. Draw a map, mark each obstacle on it and specify the path to follow. Invite someone at home to complete your course using the map. Use a stopwatch to time them. Try to beat their score. |
String Pick Up Invite someone at home to help you complete the challenge. Place the objects five metres away from your start line. Each person holds an end of the string. Run out to the objects and pick one up using only the string to wrap around it tightly. Keep your two hands on the string throughout the challenge. Carry the object back to the start point without letting it fall. Repeat for the other two objects. |
Blindfold Walk Invite someone at home to help you complete the challenge. In a safe indoor or outdoor space, mark a start point and a finish point. Place your chosen obstacles on the ground between these two points. Tie a blindfold over your eyes. Listen closely to the other person’s directions as they guide you around the obstacles. To complete the challenge, you must reach the finish point without bumping into anything. Swap roles |
Athletics |
Reaction Rocket Races Lay out two jumpers ten metres apart in a playing area. Invite someone in your house to shout “GO”. Get up and sprint from the following positions: - Lying on your tummy - Lying on your back - Sitting on your bum - Kneeling on the ground Which one of these positions do you sprint the fastest from |
Stamina Run Invite someone at home to run with you. Run at a pace that allows you both to run for five minutes without stopping. While you run, discuss the following topics: - Your favourite breakfast, lunch or dinner - Your favourite movie, book or television programme - Your favourite holiday, animal or musician |
Triple Jump To learn how to do the triple jump, practise the following steps: 1: Jog, take off on one foot, land on the same foot (this is called a hop). Practise this several times. 2: Jog, take off on one foot and land on the other foot (this is called a step). Practise several times. 3: From a standing position, do the hop, then the step and then a jump as far as you can. Try to link the 3 moves together without any pauses. 4: From a jogging start, do the hop, then the step and then the jump as far as you can. 5: Using a start line of rope or string, jog up to the line then begin the hop, step and jump. Mark your distance from the start line with your teddy or jumper and try to beat your score! |
Hurdle Jump Set up your hurdle by placing two chairs facing each other about one metre apart in the playing area. Place the brush resting across the two chairs to make a bar to jump over. It should be at about knee height. Practise jogging up to the bar and jumping over it. Take off from one foot and land on the other. How many hurdle jumps can you do without knocking the bar? |
Dance |
Dice Dance Play a piece of music. Roll a dice. If it lands on… 1. Travel for eight beats 2. Hold a shape for eight beats 3. Move two body parts only 4. Freestyle for eight beats 5. Travel at a low level for eight beats 6. Travel at a high level for eight beats |
Shape Outline Play a piece of slow music that you like. Do the following actions to the music: • Make a shape (eight beats) • Hold the shape (eight beats) • Change into a different shape (eight beats) • Include five different shapes in your dance, such as a narrow, curled, straight, twisted, wide or symmetrical shape |
Free Style Choose a song of your choice and dance freestyle on your own or with someone at home. |
Just Dance Watch this video Of Dynamite and try to follow Dance Moves. |
If you need any further guidance with this homework please follow link here: PE Homework - Active Every Day - Scoilnet
Scoil Naomh Chaitríona, College Street, Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal
Email: | Phone: 071 9851062